First of all, my family, for always supporting me in everything I do. Always backing me up and loving me no matter what. My mom- for being the best friend that I can always talk to about anything. For not being judgemental, giving me advice, and always telling me to shoot for my dreams and never putting me down. My dad- for being my hero. Always doing the right thing, and your encouragement and great support. In the worst situations, he stays calm and never worries about anything. He always makes the best out of any situation he is given, and looks at the bright side of everything. He has always been there for guidance, and always has a smile on his face. And his famous quote, " your best." That really has gone a long way. My brother, Grant- right now he is in Monterrey, Mexico serving a mission for our church. This past year we have become really close. We'd give each other advice on our problems, and he was always setting the example for the family. Grant is extremely hard working, and would give you the shirt off of his back. My sister, Marly- for always keeping the family laughing. For being herself and brightening my life with her "Marlyisms". I hope to be the best big sister for her, to be someone she can completely trust, someone she can always come to, and look up to. Not only a sister, but a best friend, too. My best friend Katelyn- for standing up for me whenever I didn't for myself. For being such a strong person, and keeping me on the right path. When times are rough, along with these other people, she's always there by my side for comfort and to listen to me. I know I can turn to her for anything.
Throughout my life, I've been to several conventions, conferences and luncheons, and have been spoken to by so many motivational speakers. But when I went to RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards), one speaker really touched and inspired me. His name is Jerry Traylor. Here is the quick story on Jerry: He was born with cerebral palsy. Jerry doesn't look at it as a misfortune, but rather a different way to live. Jerry has been walking with crutches and will have to for the rest of his life. All the times he was made fun of, he turned it around and used it to his advantage. Jerry used it to motivate him and to create his amazing and wonderful sense of humor. Then, he had a strong desire to run across America...on crutches. No one believed in him, not even his own family supported him, but nothing stopped him. Not only did he prove everyone wrong, he was the first person to run across the U.S. on crutches, and he touched many lives. For the people who didn't believe in themselves or think they were unable to do such things, he gave them a new hope. He believes that as long as you set your mind to it, you are able to do anything you want, not even crutches can stop you. He looks at his disability as a blessing, so he could overcome it and help so many other people because of it. Jerry has done so many other incredible things, but most of all he is an incredible person.
Jerry and I at RYLA in Prescott, AZ |
After meeting him, I now look at life in a completely different way. I am so thankful for what I have been blessed with and see that my trials could be worse. I believe that life is full of blessings! Some are hidden though, and you may not realize how they have really helped you. Everything truly does happen for a reason. I think that we all need to take a deeper look into our lives- all the things that have made us who we are today. Sometimes when trials come along, we think, "Why me?" or "How can this get any worse?". I know the feeling. Think about the most recent trial you've had and think about how it has impacted you, because in some way it has. Think about how it has changed you. Has it made you come to realize something new? I like to think about Jerry's situation, and think that if he can turn something like cerebral palsy into a positive blessing, I can take my own struggles and make something positive out of them too, and so can you! Also, you never know your full potential or the best "you" that you can be, until you try to push yourself. Try new things, find what your good at and experience all of the great things there aare to offer in life! You never know what you are capable of being or doing.Just a few of his quotes:"Become a participant rather than an observer","Don't put a limit on your potential...", "If you know you can't...then you don't know", "Be sure your vision is greater than your day-to-day pain", "Surround yourself with people who believe in you", and "Every journey begins with a single step."
“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise” ~ Oscar Wilde
1 comment:
This blog might actually be okay if the author could write well. The title is a grammatical error in itself.
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